Monday, March 19, 2007

H.W for Andrew

1. Do one thing different from your normal routine, e.g take a new route to work or school. Or eat something you would never dream of eating (document this on your blog and you must include either a photo or sketching of the “event”)

When it comes to taking medication I'm usually fairly stubborn. I don't like to take any unless I'm suffering to a fairly great extent. I had a headache from the moment I woke up this morning. After suffering for several hours I finally gave in and took 2

2. Take something as basic as water. The idea is to notice the number of times a day you come in contact with it. (let the user know what day you selected as “water contact day” and document this on your blog and you must include either a photo or
sketching of the “event”

I decided to take the easy way out and took the suggestion that was given on the test. Considering I didn't even get out of the house today I was rather surpristed how many times I cam in contact with water.
1. shower
2. sink in washrooms
3. toilet
4. pouring water for the dog
5. sink in kitchen

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