Friday, March 30, 2007

Fall Out Boy

Here is my attempt at making a CD jewel case. We basically had to make a collage of artist we like and then scan it onto the computer and manipulate it using photoshop and illustrator however we please.
Click on the images to view them at a higher resolution

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Setup

Here is a old photo of my computer setup in my room. I don't use that computer often though, unless I want to do a lot of multitasking or blast some music.
After lots of tweaking and a suggestion from Andrew here is my rollerblade tag.
I can only hope this is what Joe is looking for as we never got the outline for the assignment.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Photo Shoot

I know that the next week is going is going to be fairly stressful with all of the assignments and what not. So I did my best to do as much work as I possibly could this weekend. Here are the final pictures from my "emo bear" photo shoot.

All these images and a few more can be found on my Flickr account as well.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Click the link below to view the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Package Design

From the gecko I had the idea to put my bear into some sort of jail cell.
After much trial and debate I finally found the best way to this..
I was able to purchase a 4x4 transparent box which seemed to fit my bear perfectly, well besides the fact that it has to be on an angle... BUT STILL.

I cut out a 4x4 piece of foam core I had laying around, it worked perfectly as a base for my toy bear.

One I had the base down I jumped into Photoshop to create the bricks and bars for the jail cell. Once I got the measurements down it took minutes. I printed everything out on "mate" paper.
I want to make the box look as appealing as possible so I decided that I would make the brick walls double sided. I simply printed out the bricks twice and glued them together.

I ended up cutting out a few of the bricks to allow more light into the box. I plan to put some sort of information about the toy on the back side of the box (the wall facing the bears back).
This being said I didn't bother to make that brick wall double sided. Once I put together all of the information I'll glue that onto the remaining brick wall.

Last but not least I made the prison door, this was probably the most time consuming process of the entire jail cell. I cut out a bunch of bars that I printed and then I glued them all together using none other then super glue. At this point I was getting rather tired so I slid the black base, 3 brick walls, cell door, and of course the bear into he box.

I will update once I put together the back and the top half of the box.

H.W for Andrew

1. Do one thing different from your normal routine, e.g take a new route to work or school. Or eat something you would never dream of eating (document this on your blog and you must include either a photo or sketching of the “event”)

When it comes to taking medication I'm usually fairly stubborn. I don't like to take any unless I'm suffering to a fairly great extent. I had a headache from the moment I woke up this morning. After suffering for several hours I finally gave in and took 2

2. Take something as basic as water. The idea is to notice the number of times a day you come in contact with it. (let the user know what day you selected as “water contact day” and document this on your blog and you must include either a photo or
sketching of the “event”

I decided to take the easy way out and took the suggestion that was given on the test. Considering I didn't even get out of the house today I was rather surpristed how many times I cam in contact with water.
1. shower
2. sink in washrooms
3. toilet
4. pouring water for the dog
5. sink in kitchen

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Paint Process

Painting one of my worst past times.
I was able to find a stash of my old acrylic paints, to my surprise some were still usable. As I stated in one of my earlier posts I'm going for a dark black/grayish look for my bear.
Now onto the photos.

Once I painted on the base coat for the bear it started to take form.
The only real difficult part was trying to get into all of the cracks, having a small brush came in handy at this point.

I slowly started giving the bear more colour by making the eye sockets black as well as the nose.
I even tried painting the bears ears a different colour, which ended up looking rather awful in my opinion so I painted over them again.

Back shot of the bear with the ugly ears

Once the ears dried I painted the red broken heart onto the bear. The red paint was rather wishy washey but it ended up giving it an interesting effect.
1/2 Complete W00z!!

After doing a few touch ups here and there I decided that it still needed more detail.
I knew I wasn't going to be able to do this with the paint brush, so at this point I got out my trusty Sharpie. I used it to add details to all the scars, the broken heart, the feet, the nose as well as the sewed up mouth.

A few more photos after the final paint/touch up job.

I'm actually quite happy about how the bear came out. Andrew suggested spraying the bear with some sort of spray, to give the bear some texture. I may look into that some time this week.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sculpture Design

I figured making a sculpture of a toy bear wouldn't be to difficult, boy was I ever wrong.
It doesn't help that I tend to be a total perfectionist when it comes to my artwork.
As you can see from the images bellow I didn't use any type of metal frame.
My first attempt at creating the bear was a total disaster and I ended up tossing it.
My 2nd attempt was much more successful. Bellow are a few images of the sculpting process, followed by some shots after the bear was baked.

1/4 Done

2/4 Done

3/4 Done




He took about 20 some odd minutes to cook, then I let him cool off over night.
These images are also on my flick account under "School Stuff"

Flickr Account

Link to my Flickr account

I found that it seems to take ages to upload photos on Flickrs website.
I was getting pretty fed up with it to be honest.
Then I came by this application called " Flickr Uploadr". Once you have the application installed, you simply drag and drop your photos into this application to upload them to your Flickr account. It's quite simply 100 times easier and faster then uploading them on the flick website.

Flickr Upload URL

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Using the side, front, and back drawing of my bear I created two colour renderings.
Since I didn't have any pencil crayons, and I didn't want to make a huge mess using pastel I ended up using water colours.

Of the two the grey/black colours seem to suite the bear best for the look I'm going for. Now only if I could find my paints...

Update - Below Knees Assignment

A while back one of our assignments for Andrew's class was to draw objects bellow our knees that are particular shapes. Each section of the class got a particular shape. I had to draw objects that were in the shape of a square/rectangle..

electrical outlet

stool like thing

sub woofer


Vent Cover
