Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Website Template

I have been playing around with a few possible website templates for my portfolio. Here is one of the website prototypes.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rollerblade Tag Photoshop

Here are a few photos from my rollerblade tag photo shoot.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Skateboard Deck - DONE

After looking at my deck for a while I noticed it was still rather plain and it felt like it was missing something. My sister had the bright idea of adding a sparrow to the image. After looking online for the right type I came up with this photo.

I took the image into illustrator and traced it. Then I imported the image into Photoshop to do some finishing touches. I also added some sort of lines if you will to the background. Here are the final results.

Give or take the final product took me 6 hours from begging to end and I'm rather happy with the results of it.


Here are a few images of the final product, once printed and put onto the board.
Taking images was rather hard as the flash would glare rather horribly due to to the glossy print on the deck.
If I was ever to do this again I would definitely not go for the glossy paper, it's way to thick making it very difficult to mount onto the skatedeck.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Skateboard Deck

I have been working on my skateboard deck on and off for 2 some odd days now.
Give or take 3-4 hours in Adobe Illustrator. I had a blast working on the rainbow (mark the total sarcasm)
Bellow you fill find my process so far.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Skate Deck

Here are my two skateboard deck ideas. I got the idea for one when I was looking closely at my collage for Aviva's class. While the 2nd one is rather obvious, it's pacman!

The image can also be found on my Flickr account. You can find the link to my account on the right of my blog.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Fall Out Boy

Here is my attempt at making a CD jewel case. We basically had to make a collage of artist we like and then scan it onto the computer and manipulate it using photoshop and illustrator however we please.
Click on the images to view them at a higher resolution

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Setup

Here is a old photo of my computer setup in my room. I don't use that computer often though, unless I want to do a lot of multitasking or blast some music.