Tuesday, February 27, 2007


For Aviva's class we had to put together a collage that we will be using as a cd cover/label for a band/artist we like. The band I decided on was Fall Out Boy, I basically took elements of punk and rock together to make the collage.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Exercise #3

Basically for exercise 3 we have to create a module. Now I'm sure you are asking yourself WTF is a module? I asked myself that exact same question to be honest with you. You basically have to create a unit that is contained in a square such as a quarter of a circle. Then you have to duplicate it 3 times and rotate it to make a module. At this point I was like WTF MATE? Luckily Aviva had a few examples in class which helped me to understand what we had to do. After lots of cutting and photocopying here in my final piece.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Module 2

Done and done

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sentinel aka Squid Dude!!

Yesterday in class Andrew brought in his sentinel action figure. We were to draw it using only water colours. My first attempt turned out looking like a rather robotic squid/octopus while my 2nd seems to look like a crazy over sized sperm droid thing.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Note to self

Playing with pastels is messy.